Get Full iPhone Customization With Springtomize 2

Single App For Full iPhone Customization:

No doubt iPhone are phones out of this world and people just love to use them. And this is the reason Apple only makes iPhone and nothing else in phones and gathers huge loads of bucks in every iPhone launch. But as these phones are not allowing full access and controls for personalization and customization people tend to jailbreak it. iPhone customization via different Cydia apps and Cydia tweaks is possible. And so many tweaks are available in the Cydia market now to do these iPhone customization. How good would it be if a single Cydia app is capable of doing so many iPhone personalizations for you. The name of the tweak is Springtomize 2. This is packed with a lot of stuff to change the looks and functionality of your iPhone.

Full iPhone Customization

Springtomize 2 alters the look and functionality of your dock, animations, capabilities, lock screens, folders and the way you do app switching.

Source and Functions of this Cydia Tweak:

This cool Cydia tweak is bunch of capabilities and can be obtained from BigBoss repo. You can search Springtomize 2 in your Cydia store to find this app. It costs 2.99$ and the disk size is less than 500KB. Looking at all the iPhone customization this app does; the price is more than justified.

Once this app is installed you can carry out below functions:

1) Dock: 

You can do a lot of effects on iPhone dock including hiding the dock, remove the reflection or add the cover flow effect. 

2) Capabilities:

You don't find a particular functionality not that appealing on your iPhone. In Springtomize 2 you can select to deactivate them at all. There are few features available here including the Voice control and multi-tasking.

3) Animations:

You can customize each animation by duration, color, sound and direction parameters. One example is: you can make old-fashioned tube TV switch off effect on your iPhone switch off animation and not the usual circulating bars.

4) Lock Screen:

Want to disable lock screen or need to change same SLIDE TO UNLOCK text with your name. This menu allows you these and some other lock screen functionalities. (Wish it gave AndroidLock effect too).

5) Icons: 

A lot of iPhone customization can be carried out in Icons menu of the Springtomize 2. You can change the size and label of your home screen icons. Also it allows you to change icons per line. You can also disable the move and app uninstall function too.

6) Folders:

You can change the looks and contents of the folder by Springtomize 2. You can disable the preview box, hide the labels and choose how many icons will display in each line in your folder window.

All these and many more things are there to grab in Springtomize 2 for full iPhone customization. Get it now and start changing the look and functionality of your iPhone devices....!


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