Cydia For PC - To Use Cydia Without Wi-Fi

Why Cydia For PC?

When someone says Cydia for PC; the first question strikes the mind is why? Why someone would need a iPhone specific app on computer at first place. Well if the advantage outweighs the small disadvantage then it is certainly worth using. The main benefit of having controls via your PC is to back up Cydia apps. As you have the copy of your app in your PC/Laptop it adds an extra layer of backup of your paid and free apps. Second thing is you can easily manage your Cydia apps and tweaks on your iPhone without having the necessity of the Wi-Fi. This comes as real savior when you are working with large apps; which are hard to manage without having Wi-Fi.

Cydia For PC

How To Have Controls Via PC/Laptop

It is really easy to have Cydia on PC. You can download a software called Cyder; which is Cydia alternative for PC. (It can be downloaded from here). This works only with the jail-broken devices. Once it is downloaded you can install it on your PC. 
- Once it is installed on your PC you can connect your iPhone to it.
- Now it will give you liberty of accessing Cydia for PC; just like you do it on your iPhone or iPad. Which means you can add a new source or delete the existing source. You can install new packages, remove old packages and upgrade them too. In short you will be pretty much able to do what you normally do on Cydia on iPhone.

Here is the video so you can understand it better:

(Video is bit fast; but shows you what basically Cyder 2 is meant for). Please let us know your valuable suggestions and views on this topic. User contribution is much appreciated for betterment of the iOS community...!


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